And I sooooo want one! We went to the Angola Prison Rodeo today and it was amazing. I can't believe what some of those prisoners will actually do. We only saw one guy that got hurled in the air that didn't move when he hit the ground. A few of the other inmates carried him off. This was during the last event where they tie a poker chip between the horns of a very unhappy bull and the prisoners all run around and try and get it off (they win money for this event). The other event that was painful to watch but was a lot of fun was the poker game. During this game four guys get a deck of cards and sit down at a poker table. They let a bull loose in the ring and the last man to stay seated is the winner. While the guys are sitting there you have rodeo clowns running around making the bull very angry. During the second round, the bull broke the table, but two guys remained seated. The bull got a folding chair stuck around his horn and his leg. Once he broke through that, he was seriously looking for some revenge. He was kicking up dirt and had his head down ready to charge. Thankfully, he didn't hit anyone on that charge. Okay, now my favorite part: the monkeys. They let a few bighorn sheep loose in the ring and then three border collies with MONKEYS riding on their backs came out and herded the sheep in to a pen, and then into the back of a truck. It was amazing. I think we need a monkey to ride on the back of Ruekie. It would be so cute!
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
Th rodeo sounds so fun - i hate we missed it. BUT I did get to see Brad wrangle a steer this weekend- kind of the same thing... I'm so thankful no cancel was found!! GOD is good! Hope y'all have a great week!
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