Saturday, December 6, 2008

Gollie Gee...Tim Tebow Is Such A Swell Guy

So, in order to be fair to Ruekie and because I know most of you never saw him as a puppy here you go:

Wasn't he so cute??? And he still is! Today I did some shopping and I'm ALMOST finished. Warner got home from work at 5:30 this morning after working a super duper ridiculously long shift. He then "slept" for about 4 hours and went back to work after going out to lunch with me. He kept getting phone calls while he was trying to sleep this morning and the mutts kept wanting to play and were dropping toys on the bed by his face. When he was leaving the site, his alarm was going off at it's normal time for him to get up! They are having issues at work and are trying to figure out what is causing the problem. As far as I know they still don't know what is wrong so he may have another late night tonight and he might have to go back in tomorrow. I feel bad for him because he is missing some awesome football games tonight. Especially the whupping that Mizzou is going to get tonight by OU. Right Anne? Yeah, I knew you would agree, I won't tell Andy though. Your secret is safe with me. 

So, after the people above us moved out, I didn't think it would be possible to get someone louder than them, but man, these people are hiding a herd of elephants up there. It's a couple of guys and I'm pretty sure they are construction workers and they are LOUD! 

I'm still pretty sick. It's mostly just coughing up a lot of nasty stuff and a stuffy nose. So, it's not strep. I'm just worried about it turning into a sinus infection or something worse. But oh well, I'll survive. I'm going to go eat some more cookies that I baked earlier! 


Anonymous said...'re almost done with your Christmas shopping and i havent even
lol ;)

Anonymous said...

he looks like such a sweet dog!

Anonymous said...

Hey my sweet kiddos - dogs included!!!!!!!! The View was great....Scott Stevens was a terrific host...Tamie Whiteman and I still like each other~~~~~~!!!!!!!! Hope the work stuff is resolved - I'm sorry you are sick Miss Steph - Love you BOTH/ Four! MIL/Mom/sksb