Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice, Sleet, Snow, And Lasik

I'm sitting here in the waiting room - using the wireless internet in the building, while Warner is going through all the pre-op stuff. They should be calling me back there soon to watch. Yeah, I get to watch! Here are some pictures of all the pretty white stuff that fell two days ago.

4 hours later:

The Lasik went well. I didn't have a chance to upload anymore pictures this morning because they called me back to the waiting room to watch Warner's Lasik on the tv screen and we left right after that - which meant no more internet on my mac. BLEH! It gives me that weird feeling in my stomach just thinking about it. I saw them cut the flap and rub sponge things all over his eye and then I watched the actual laser part. That part was really cool because there is SMOKE coming from the eye during the process. Yeah, smoke. The kind that is associated with fire. Warner is sleeping in bed - they gave him a sleeping pill when we left the office and he was kind of giggly on the way home. The boy doesn't hold his drugs well. I bought him an audio book but I'm pretty sure he is knocked out and has no clue it is even playing. The study is coming along nicely. I might lose my mind before it's all done, but at least I'm done buying things for the study for this trip. We have two chairs, a secretary, and a bookcase. We are thinking about buying another bookcase and we are going to buy a trunk to convert into a file cabinet. I'll post more pictures later. Since I don't have internet on my mac I can't upload the pictures. Okay, I'll post more later.


gordon said...

Yea i've seen that smoke....i told debi i would take the trash out when i got good and ready, you know now that i think about it the smoke was coming from both eyes.

Anonymous said...

Talk about looks that can burn a hole through you. Glad it went well. MOM

Lasik In Nashville, Tennesse said...

I'm glad the surgery went well!!!! Wonderful photo's...BUR! I recently attended a lasik seminar hosted by world renowned surgeon, Ming Wang,MD,PHD and I'm convinced I have made the right decision. His credentials and educational background are phenomenal! Visit his website @

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update and glad it went well--Warner I am happy you had such good results so fast! Y'all please pray for Uncle Sonny's nephew Trey Gaither. He is not going to be with us very many more days--Cirrhosis of the liver. He is only 46 . It is hard to see him like this. I believe he is a Christian and will see Jesus soon. It is so scary that even tho someone knows the truth they choose to follow Satan's lies. Guess we can all make really bad choices! Love you guys,