Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Whole Foods

Two nights ago Warner and I ventured out for a very quick trip to Whole Foods. I get tired really fast right now so we tried to make the trip as fast as we could. I would sit down when I could and stayed focused on what I was looking for when I was walking. I wore my mango scarf in the store because I knew it would be freezing cold in there - otherwise I probably would have just gone bald because I'm lazy. While we were walking and I was contemplating taking a sitting break, a lady asked me how I was feeling, while tugging on her wig. Apparently she was fighting cancer as well. She pointed out some foods that she likes to eat, we thanked her for the ideas but we informed her of my  stomach issues, to which she thought I meant chemo nausea. We tried to explain it to her but she didn't really understand so we let it go. Anyway, it was a nice conversation for a few minutes and then it just got weird. We cut the conversation short becuase I really did need to go sit down by this point. She hugged me (and if you know me, I'm not a huggy person at all) and then she told me she loved me. It was all a little too personal and touchy for me, I much prefer the weird looks from non-cancer people, but hopefully it made her day.

Okay, and now for some pictures for Dawn to reward her for reading the blog!!!!

This is my mango scarf - it's a little big on my head, but it's probably my favorite right now. It's slightly heavier weight but it's made of stretchy material so I like it. 

This is my flashy scarf. I didn't realize how glittery it was when I bought it but I'll wear it for fancy occasions! This one is the same material as the mango scarf.

This is my lightest weight scarf and it has butterflies on it. It will be good to wear when I'm outside when it's hot since it's so lightweight.

I have picked out a couple more scarves that I am going to get I just have to get around to ordering them. Other than that, not much is going on around here. I'm just eating and trying to get fat...or at least gain some weight. I bought some soup at Whole Foods and my mom made me some soups - but they are all quaranteened right now so I guess it may be a couple days until I get the soup. A guy at my brothers work got the flu Monday and apparently my mom hasn't been feeling too good this week. 

Basically right now I eat something every few hours - usually yogurt, soup, or milk, or whatever I can find. I don't have many snack ideas, so if anyone has any good ideas, please pass them along! I don't really like ice cream that much and I am way beyond tired of jello! I also prefer juice to smoothies (I'm not too crazy about frozen things I guess - I just put lots of ice in my drinks). Well, that's all I've got for now...enjoy the pictures!


Anonymous said...

This may sound silly, but have you tried pudding? Grammy used to make the BEST pudding when we were not feeling well.
Love you , Barney