This time of year I always get really antsy. Antsy like a 5 year old gets when they're about to take a trip to the candy shop because it's ALMOST my birthday. The almost is the problem. I don't do well with anticipation. Just thinking about all the cake that I'm going to consume in the next few days is about to send me over edge! I don't think I'll ever outgrow it.
Anyway. I mentioned in my random facts post about how I want twins. Here are my favorite twins that I got to hang out with last week and take some pictures of while we were at home. They are the reason I passed calculus in college. When I would babysit them at night, so their parents could sleep for more than an hour at a time, I would do my calculus homework - usually with one of them sitting in my lap. They've come a long way since weighing as much as a loaf of bread. They're almost 3 now and they are stinkin cute! So, here's a sneak preview of some pictures for their parents, and I promise I'm going to get the disk of their pictures in the mail soon!!!!
They are so cute!! I can't get over how much they have grown since I last saw pics of them. I hope you get to have your twins. I would love a couple of redheaded grandchildren. MOM O.
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