Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Edgar Is Back!


Edgar is back!!!

And he is being so ridiculously sweet. I went and picked him up from the vet this morning and he was so excited to see Ruekie. He whined and carried on for quite a while after he saw us. Oh and let's talk about how the horse weighs 70 pounds!!! He's only 5 months old! He's going to be massive. 

I woke up this morning with every intention of taking a picture of the hole in my stomach, so I took a shower to loosen up the tape and then I took the bandage off, and the HOLE WAS CLOSED! CLOSED!!!!!! AGH!!! I was so disappointed. This picture was taken the last time I was "flushing" my feeding tube, the night before I had it taken out. After the picture was taken I shot the water that was in the syringe at Warner...it was pretty awesome. I'll post a picture of my second belly button soon, it's not all that exciting since it's ALREADY CLOSED!

That little guy was on my amaryllis plant yesterday morning 
when we got back from the hospital. He was teeny tiny!

Since I posted a picture of Edgar, here's one of Ruekie.


Anonymous said...

you actually posted 2 pictures of edgar and only 1 picture of ruekie....ruekie's being gipped...gosh....lol ;)
love ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Steph!!!!!! HOORAY FOR YOU!!!!!! It must feel so strange to be NORMAL again! Did you get a haircut? It loks cute in pic !!!!!!! Love my grandpups pictures!!!!!! How did Edgar do under anesthesia? Need a photo of all 4 of you....Warner, you need to post a blog to let us know how amazing you must feel- underutilized now???? Anyway, since the hole is closed can you go swimming right now if you want??????? This Minute? I'm in Philly - eye was great - will go again in another year.....sorry about not reading since i left Sat - no access to computer 'till tonight! LOVE YOU ALL MIL/Mom/sksb

Brad and Gina Moreman said...

I am so glad you are tubeless!!! My how the LORD has blessed you - and you look so GREAT! I heard tonight we might get to see the two of you in October in AU - wouldn't that be fun if it works out?? I'm excited just thinking about it. So glad to hear the good news!

Anonymous said...

Guess you can tell by brad's and gina's comment that we are PLANNING for y'all to come to Auburn in October--but no pressure! Great news all around about the hole closing up--when do you hear from THE SCAN ?

YFA Joan

Paula said...

Warner, it'll be a while till you get that update you're waiting for...