Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Woo Pig Sooie...More Proof That I Actually Graduated!

On Sunday we went to the University of Arkansas after church. We ate lunch with a group of friends from Cabot that we haven't seen for a while. Then at the U of A we went and saw my name in the Senior Walk! Woohoo...here are some pictures!

These kids went to lunch with us 
and walked around campus after with us.

On campus

Me by my name in the walk!

Again by my name!

They spelled it right!


Anonymous said...

I found Arkansas State Univiersity yesterday. Your dress is cute.

Anonymous said...

WOW!Again I am amazed by God's goodness to me through you both! Now that you have the travelling thing down pat -- how about coming to Auburn the weekend Ark. plays here? Josie and Jack and maybe even Luke will be coming and if you guys come I bet Brad and Gina and Addie will come ,too. Think about it PLEASE Love to you all,
YFA Joan

Paula said...

I think I might have a dress somewhat like that one...

Anonymous said...

Steph you look so cute!! Congrats on getting your name on the sidewalk. Yeah Fayetteville! :)