Today Warner and I, mostly just me though (does that make grammatical sense? I don't think it does but let's just pretend, okay?), okay, as I was saying, we played stump the medical oncologist! Basically this consisted of me listing off all my recent symptoms, extreme hunger when I don't eat every two hours or sometimes less, light headed-ness when I get extremely hungry, and then not feeling good at all when I get extremely hungry. Basically my symptoms don't fit together. He said my blood sugar looked fine from my blood work this morning as did everything else (blood pressure and such). If it was just my blood sugar I shouldn't really be getting extremely hungry, if it's an under-active thyroid (which can happen from radiation) I should be gaining weight and not be getting hungry, and an over active thyroid does not really fit because the radiation is more likely to knock my thyroid out rather than increase it's efficiency. So, I'm going to add another specialist to my already super long list. I get to go see an Endocrinologist at some point in the near future! Haha, I just want to know what is going on because this hungry / light-headed nonsense is out of control. I have never been more hungry in my life!!!! So there you have it. You are completely up to date on my health issues!
Oh, about the Auburn trip: we are really wanting to go in October. Warner has a shutdown at work the week before (technically the 6th - 11th) so we are going to have to play it by ear as to whether or not we will make it. Right now we are planning on going but there is always a chance that we will not make it there because of work. Sorry I don't have a more definite answer, maybe Warner will be able to give you all some insight.
I bought a baby gate for the dogs today. That way I can put it on our porch and let them lay out in the sun! Ruekie has been taking full advantage and has been laying in the sun since I put it up. I guess we really bought it so that we could put it in our bedroom doorway to keep Edgar from wandering around at night (it gets to hot in the bedroom if you close the door and both dogs sleep later if they are not in their kennels at night).
We should talk football for a moment. The Razorbacks are making me very sad, but enough about them, I can't bear to talk about it. The other team that is making me sad...the Saints!!! They have come so close the past two weeks, only to lose!! They are breaking my heart! I mean come on, win one for me! I had cancer! Seriously!!! Haha, I'm not really that heartbroken over it all, but I do like to see the Razorbacks win and I don't think it's going to happen for a while (we play Texas, Florida, and Auburn right in a row and they are all ranked). Okay, I'll stop talking about football because I really don't know that much about it!
Have a good afternoon!
have you tried eating?
that normally makes the hunger pains, light-headiness, and headache go away. Water will help temporarily, but a hamburger works magic.
I LOVE football! The Razorbacks need to suck it up and think WIN! I am a big Dallas Cowboy fan....I bet your "boys" love the fact they can get fresh air and sunshine! My son has a pituitary tumor so we know our endrocrinologists way too much. Have a great end of the week. Praying for you all! Hugs from Arkansas.
hEY tHERE! aLWAYS WANTED MY THYROID TO ACT UP SO i WOULD have an excuse FOR WIEGHT GAIN///AH WELL.... Fun for the Ruek's Meister...Edgar? He was such a docile puppy when I saw him - has he changed??? How was his hernia surgery? Gracie goes in tomorrow for her hysterectomy (SP?) - hopefully she will be fine as she is classified as an "old dog" at almost 5!!!!!! Also, we have the enlarged liver issue - blood tests were great so.............Warner, she has lost more weight - now weighs 80 - 82 pounds! Dad went to Boot Camp with me this morn - what a coup! Can not do anything that requires a hand or arm.....Anna did her speech today - she sid it was Ok,,,/.....LOVE you all MIL/Mom/sksb
Great that you are aiming to come to Auburn AND since you don't even like football that much , I can cross your names off the "need to get tickets for" list. Guess we can play canasta instead! I wish Susu would be there too--Canasta just isn't the same without her. Talked to josie this morning and do you know what she said to me? She said her son is a sinner!Can't wait to get you all together-oh we better not count on Gina for a Canasta game during the football game cause that is her life!
YFA Joan
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