Thursday, May 8, 2008

I Really Should Be Sleeping

So, Warner has updated everyone on the latest news, so instead of repeating things that he just wrote about, I’m just going to give you all a few random facts!

  • Official Needle Stick Count: 4
  • Number of vials of blood taken: 6
  • Official Nose Scope Count: 3
  • Number of X-Rays and Scans: 3
  • Total Number of Doctors I will have met with by March 14th: 8
  • Total Number of cakes I have bought and eaten: 1 ½ (I am buying another one tomorrow, the second one was not so good)
  • Total Number of puppies bought: 1
  • Total Number of time I have cooked a meal since my diagnosis: 0

So, the list wasn’t as long as I thought it would be. I’ll just add to it later. Here are all the different doctors I have seen / will be seeing soon: ENT / surgeon, radiation oncologist, medical oncologist, dental oncologist, speech therapist, dietician, obgyn, and the plastic surgeon. Crazy - I was the one who always hated going to see the doctor or dentist when I was younger (and when I was not so young, like say, oh a few months ago) and here I am with a million of them!


Diane said...

Hi Stephanie,

Just want you to know that I've sent out another update and prayer request tonight to our Prayer Partners at church. We all love you, and I know that God is hearing our prayers on your behalf. HE loves you with an everlasting love, and it can't get any better than that!!! We're there for you every step of the way in prayer. Love you much!!!

Diane (for Dale, too)

dawn w. said...

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you both and praying for God's wisdom every step of the way. Let me know if you need any help. I have a week I can take off this summer if Warner needs a short break and Stephanie wants a shopping partner. Let me know and I'll be there. Love you both.


Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie,
Just want to let you know that I'm praying for you both. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Donna e. (a friend of Diane and Lainie)

Anonymous said...

Steph - Does Scott know yet? What can I (we) do to help? take the load off somehow???? I think that was Anderson Smith at the end of 3 blogs you and/or warner and/or pooches need/want anything? Love SKSB

Anonymous said...

Stephanie and Warner,
Our hearts go out to you. I want you to know that we are thinking about you guys and praying for you. I know the severity of the situation and the fear that you must have at this time. Remember God is in control and he loves you soo much. We do too. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

All our love,
Jim and Nicole

Anonymous said...

Man, Warner must be getting skinnier if Steph isn't cooking.
love you guys, call if you need us.


Anonymous said...

Man, Warner must be getting skinnier if Steph isn't cooking.
love you guys, call if you need us.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys, this is Marie again but I'm writing for Linda Hodge. She tried to send you a comment earlier but (of course) couldn't figure it out. She wanted you to know they are praying for you both. That's a lot of praying everyone is doing. God hears them. You guys are really loved.

Unknown said...

Thinkin about you! Blondie:)