Because I know most of you want to know - my “last meal” tonight was tilapia with mushrooms in some sort of cream sauce and mashed potatoes and veggies. It was pretty tasty. I had no idea where I wanted to eat for dinner tonight, and we ended up at the place we ate at pretty much by accident. We had tried to go to a Mexican Restaurant, but because we got a late start on dinner, most of the restaurants around were closed (it was only 8:00). So we had dinner at Charlie Brown’s – some little family sports bar in Prairieville. My parents came up from Luling, as did Warner’s mom and they are all staying out here tonight and going to the hospital with us in the morning – bright and early. Charlie came up after he got off work and ate dinner with us but he went back home for the night, and Paula and Dawn came up earlier in the day to spend some time with Warner and I. Paula took the dogs back with her to keep them for a while – and I really miss my puppies! It was weird walking in the house and not being greeted by them and not having to go let them out of the kennel! I told Warner they better be back here at the house on the day I get out of the hospital!
Yes. I am about as white as they come (see picture above). When Warner is tanner than you, you know you have reached a new level of whiteness that has never before been achieved by man. I just haven't spent a whole lot of time outside, and I have a feeling that is not going to change much this summer. Anyway, that picture was taken tonight and will probably be the last picture of me before the surgery - unless someone takes some tomorrow morning.
I just had my last drink until after the surgery, or until I’m allowed to put things in my mouth again. I had gotten up and had a glass of water and then I wondered what in the world I was doing just drinking water, when I won’t be able to drink anything for a while – so I went out in the kitchen and got a glass of orange Gatorade. Hey, it’s better than a glass of water. So now it’s 12:01 and I can not eat or drink anymore which means tomorrow morning when I wake up, I will be starving, not the “oh I’m a little hungry here’s a banana” kind of starving, but the “you better watch out, I’m drooling from the mouth and I might just eat your arm off if you stick it anywhere close to me” kind of starving. It never fails that when I am told I can’t eat that I get super hungry, but when I can eat I can go all day without getting hungry!
So, I’m getting more anxious about getting this over with as the time gets closer. The only thing I’m curious / nervous about is the anesthesia. Since I haven’t ever been put out, that I can remember (the times when I was a baby don’t count), I really want to know how it all works and what it is like. And of course, I’m not looking forward to all the pain after – I just hope they keep me flying high on those pain meds (as long as they don’t make me too nauseous).
So I guess this is my last post for a while. You’ll be hearing from Warner until I’m back up and forming coherent thoughts. Keep us in your prayers tomorrow and for the next little while throughout recovery. This surgery is just the first step in a long process. Ugh, the alarm is going to start buzzing at me in about 3 hours! Goodnight!
I just got off work and into the bed. I'm guessing yall have left for the hospital by now. Warner, you should get some kind of tanning bulbs and tan your woman while she's out for a week so she's nice and tan when she comes back to reality, that'd be sweet. As for you, I know you only turn red and hurt, sorry buddy. Still here if you need me. Strength and Honor.
Hi Stephanie,
I just found out last week that you have cancer. Since finding out I have been in prayer for you everyday, asking God for a miracle healing. I know that He is sovereign and has a reason for everything he allows to come our way.
I learned of your blog tonight and read through every entry. Stephanie you are an amazing young woman. The way you are handling all this can only be attributed to your faith. Although you remain upbeat, positive and witty in your writings, I'm sure you have gone through all ranges of emotion that most of us will never have to face. I am awed by your incredible strength for one so young.
May the Lord give you complete healing and may you draw strength from His incredible love.
I will be constantly praying for you and Warner and your families as you recover.
Love and prayers,
Glenna Smith
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