Sunday, May 31, 2009

End of Week Two

Stephanie has been in the hospital for 13 days this time. Right now there isn't a discharge date in sight, but the doctors are monitoring her daily. She is technically due for chemo again on Friday, we haven't heard whether or not it will be delayed again. So out of the past 42 days Stephanie has spent 24 in the hospital. Hopefully next time wil be much better.

Grace and Peace.


Anonymous said...

Baby Bop, you are without a doubt the kindest, most patient husband God ever made! I wish I could do more for you than pray!Steph is so brave that I know things will work out in His time, I just wish you had an idea of what that is! Okay, enough sappy stuff! We love you and are praying continually!
Barnet and crew

Cindy McLean said...

Hey Steph! I have been busy since coming home from D.C. The best news is my daughter's BF asked for her hand in marriage and he proposed last night! After almost 4 years together! Anyway, I have misplaced the 2 addresses (yours and where to send the money) so if it's not too much to ask...can you send it again? How are the boys surviving without their Mama? Take care my friend ! my email is Thanks! HUGS FROM ARKANSAS!!!!!!

Diane said...

Hi Warner and Stephanie,

You are both in our hearts and in our prayers, and we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has not left you because He promised!!!
Whatever He's doing in your lives, His promises are SURE.

I keep checking your blog, and I'll keep our Prayer Partners up to date.

We love you both,
Diane (for our Sager Creek Family)

Anonymous said...

Praying for both of you last night and again this morning.

Kerwin and Vicki

Bobbie Grant said...

You don't know me, but I am Shay Grant's sister-in-law. I lost my Dad 10 years ago to a brain tumor, so in a small part I know what you're going through.
I just want to encourage you and your family. I have been reading your story since Shay found a friend in you and have to say you are amazing. Your faith and strength is very evident in everything you and your husband write. I don't think I could handle your situation with such grace and humor.
You are beautiful inside and out and I am praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to the praying continually! As I have said before-I'm glad we can count on God- even tho we don't understand everything1 I love you both
YFA Joan

Anonymous said...

Just checking in on your blog...Praying for both of you from Florida.
Carol Fox
(Vicki's sister)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey geo and warner, you know I'm praying for you guys too. Today's My Utmost devo echos some of the encouragement already posted:
"The Lord is my Helper"

I love you guys and am looking forward to a new post. Geo, there's a package headed your way as of this afternoon hopefully!

Anonymous said...

Hey Geo and Warner, you know I'm praying for you guys too. Today's My Utmost devo echos the encouragements of some of the other posts.
"The Lord is my Helper"

Love you guys and am looking forward to a new post. Geo, there should be a package headed your way as of this afternoon!