What Warner fails to mention is all the times that I have schooled him at Monopoly, but we won’t go there! Okay, so we had a good weekend. Warner and I invaded Dawn and Mark’s house on Saturday night for a few hours which involved playing 20 questions with Molly and Mason about my scars. Mason’s eyes were huge when he first saw my arm, I guess little boys love that kind of thing, and Molly just kept feeling it, but she made certain to inform me that she does not ever want to have surgery! Molly got the entire story about my surgery and everything they did to me. Micah kept sticking her tongue out at me from across the room – totally unfair, my tongue doesn’t stick out all that well, at least not far enough to make an impact! It was a good visit and I really enjoyed getting to talk to Dawn and Mark. On Sunday we made it to Sunday School – super late, but we were there, and to church. It was good to see everyone, even though I was super tired from being up late the night before and waking up early.
Monday whipped us back into our normal routine. On Mondays we meet with Dr. Fields and Dr. Bienvenu. I even made Dr. Fields laugh! He was going through all my records and asked a few questions and then he was looking to see how many treatments I had left, and I blurted out, Twelve! I think he was shocked at how excited I was about getting to the end, but it made him laugh! Then I had my blood work done upstairs and met with Dr. Bienvenu. He informed me that I am perfect (DUH!) and that he likes that he gets to see me first thing in the morning because I don’t ruin his day because I am doing so well. Also, he likes that he gets to see me on Mondays because it gets his week off to a good start. See, I always knew I was perfect. I mentioned to Dr. Bienvenu about my gagging problems, and he suggested taking Robitussin to thin out my saliva. So I’ve started taking Robitussin to help with all that slimy saliva and mucus in my mouth, and while it dries my mouth out some, it’s better than choking on my spit, and it helps me sleep better at night. Also, the ulcer on the side of my tongue flares up on occasion, and makes eating difficult, but I’m still eating as much as I can.
After chemo we went and saw Hancock because we had some time to kill before Speech Therapy. It was pretty good. After the movie we went to speech and then out to the work site so Warner could check on some things. It took us two hours to get home (which I had to really go to the bathroom for those entire two hours on the way home) and then we watched The Closer and went to bed. Nothing to eventful, but it was quite a busy day.
OH! This week has also been good because my favorite tech is back - I don’t know where he went, but he was MIA for a week and a half. The girl that was filling in was nice and all, but she always turned all the lights on after my treatment (and when you are laying face up, and have been in a dark tunnel, it’s quite the shock when those lights come on. Also, she didn’t play the music loud, where you could hear it over the machines. Josh on the other hand plays the music loud, always gets me a warm blanket (I don’t even have to ask!), lets me wait until the last minute to put in my bite plate, and gets me out of that wretched mask as fast as possible after treatment so I can take the bite plate out (because it pretty much gags me the WHOLE time), oh – and he doesn’t turn the bright lights on. Amy is the other tech that I like, but she has been on another machine for a few weeks, so I don’t know what’s up with that.
So, eleven treatments left, and two chemos to go!