Friday, May 2, 2008

Take No Prisoners and Leave No Leftovers

So that is my new motto. I figured, since I will be on a liquid diet for so long, and then I’ll be on soft food, I’m going to put on some weight right now by eating whatever I want. The past two mornings I’ve had cake for breakfast – and it’s been soooo good. I think I need to go buy another one so I can continue this trend for the next week or so.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful. I did have a hard time in the morning from the pain pills I took the night before. I just don’t do well on medication. I took one Wednesday evening, and then one before bed and one in the middle of the night and Thursday morning was mostly a blur. I was pretty dizzy and nauseous for a few hours. Then Dr. Pepper came to my rescue. It was amazing how quickly the caffeine helped – I was a new woman. Warner and I had pizza for dinner and then there was a party at our apartment clubhouse, so we went down to check that out. We watched Grey’s Anatomy, I did some cancer research online, and we went to bed.

Today I was ready for my pain pill backlash, and I grabbed a Dr. Pepper before I even sat down at my desk – and what do you know…I was fine ALL day! I received a call from the radiology department at Mary Bird Perkins and they scheduled me for a consultation on the 14th. My radiation oncologist there will be Dr. Fields. You can read all about him on Mary Bird Perkins’ website: .We called Dr. Pou to see if they had scheduled my surgery yet, since we had heard from the radiology department we figured some sort of planning had taken place, but she said they had not, and she wasn’t sure why they scheduled my appointment so far away. So, we still have no clue when the surgery will be – but we do know that I will be having radiation therapy or at least we are pretty sure since we are scheduled for an appointment.

Tonight we are going to go see Iron Man – it has been way too long since we have been to the movie theater. I’m going to go to Barnes and Noble and buy a journal as well – just for me to keep personally. I also have to go buy a marker board and some markers for after the surgery. I’m thinking I need the scented markers. I’ll be high enough on pain meds, I won’t need the help of the markers.

I’m going to keep track, to the best of my ability, as to how many times I get stuck with a needle! Obviously, when I’m in the hospital for my surgery I’m going to be so out of it that I won’t care, but leading up to and after the surgery I’m going to try and keep a running tally of the needle pricking. So far the official count is 3. Not to bad I guess. One IV, one shot, and blood work.

Keep the book recommendations coming - Warner is going to have a lot of time to read over the next few weeks. Do you think they would let him set up his XBox in the room?


Kasey said...

I still giggle at your doctors name and I vote they let the xbox in, but that's just me. But then again, we are talking about me and I wouldn't ask, I'd just do it and ask questions if they say something, hehe.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure they will let you have an xbox, when Matt was in the hospital, back in wonderful highschool, they let him have like, 3 of his gaming systems there. Plus a laptop.

Lawn Avenue said...

Stephanie and Warner,
We are faithfully following the blog; but it is our first "blog" experience, we had to set up an account,etc, so progress has been slow.
Stephanie, we are fully on board with the "pack it on while you can" strategy.Remember, Warner, Stephanie is doing this for a reason-- she doesn't need your leadership or support by example.
We are blown away by your attitude. Keep it up!
We love you,
Hal and Anne